Benefits of Losing Weight As A Couple

Benefits of Losing Weight As A Couple
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Benefits of Losing Weight As A Couple

When it comes to losing weight, everything good comes in twos and if you have a significant other, it's time work together as a couple to reach your weight loss goal as science has confirmed it leads to even more significant results for the two of you. A Psychology Today article says working out together not only improves the efficiency of your workouts, but also actually increases happiness with your relationships.

Need more compelling reasons to lose weight with your special someone not just this coming Valentine's Day but always? Read on:

1. You get your very own critic and cheerleader in one

One of the things that get people off the wagon of diet and exercise is the lack of accountability. Since no one is watching them, people tend to slack off and then eventually stop altogether. When you have your partner with you, he or she becomes the one who reminds you about the diet and at the same time, becomes your cheerleader when times get tough and the workouts get even tougher. Goal-setting is much more realistic and there is the support system that the couple can both rely on.

But since this is also your partner, there is more leeway for mistakes  something that is also critical to achieving sustainable success in losing weight. Drastic changes rarely lead to lasting results and so gradually building and getting started on your weight loss plan with your partner can lead to a lifetime of health and wellness.

2. Bonding time with your partner

What else could be the best part of being in a relationship than being together? By setting weight loss goals as a couple, you get to put things into the right perspective. You become more attuned to what the other wants or needs because you are experiencing something together.

You can do exercises that you both enjoy doing like walking or swimming, which translates into instant quality time. You can talk about which foods to add to your meal plan, buy the ingredients, and cook them together. You can then bond over dinner and share the main dishes down to your dessert.

You'll be working together towards a common goal, which will help bring you closer together. The key here is to enjoy doing it together, but ultimately do it for yourself so only you will be responsible for the outcome, a Netdoctor article suggests. This is to avoid possible conflicts when the other falls short.

3. Create healthy habits together.

With the two of you working towards one goal, it would be easier to establish a routine or set of habits that you both can stick to, making it easier to achieve and sustain your weight loss goals. You will help each other stick to your nutrition plan.

For example, if you are starting a low-carb diet, you can both learn to cook and share naturally low-carb foods like beef, chicken, salmon, eggs, vegetables, and nuts and seeds. With double the determination, it would be easier for both of you to avoid pasta, bread, sugar, gluten, trans fats, and highly processed foods the foods that you need to stay away from to maintain a low-carb diet for weight loss and optimal health.

4. Beneficial mirroring happens

In most cases, couples reflect one another in the literal sense. When couples decide to lose weight together, there becomes a state of being that becomes mutually beneficial  two people who love each other who are both committed to being healthy can truly become unstoppable. For example, if you see your partner losing weight by consistently choosing fresh and healthy food over processed food and exercising, you will be inspired to make the same choices to improve your health as well. You would want to feel healthy not just for yourself, but also for your partner. Because ultimately, your relationship will also improve if you're both healthy enough to do the things you want to do for and with each other.

This Valentine's season, discover the the benefits of sharing weight loss, health and fitness goals as a couple. This will deepen your connection and help you stay committed to being healthy and in love for many years to come. For couples ready to take the journey together, ThinWorks offers a weight loss service in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, to help you achieve lasting health and wellness.

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About the Author.
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Since joining the ThinWorks team in 2016, Katherine has helped countless people reach their weight loss and wellness goals. She is not only a weight loss coach, but also a Certified Medical Assistant since 2008, making her a pro at all things medical here at ThinWorks. She has an upbeat and enthusiastic attitude and excels at making clients feel better, whether it’s discussing bioidentical hormones, body contouring with EmSculpt NEO, or coaching clients to a healthier lifestyle. She is a mother of three and can bake like no one else – only healthy things of course!‍

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