Halloween Survival Guide

Halloween Survival Guide
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Halloween Survival Guide

If you are losing weight during Halloween it can be one of the scariest nights of the year. It is not easy to stick to your diet plan when candy and treats are everywhere. Don't stress, there are a few things you can do to survive the night with out ruining your diet.

Eat Before You Trick or Treat

You might think it is a good idea to skip meals to save your calories for Halloween candy.  That is the wrong strategy. You should eat something healthy and hearty before Trick or Treating. Fill up on high protein fiber rich foods that will help you to stay full throughout the night.

Choose Candy You Don't Like

When dieting you always hear that you should not keep things around the house that will temp you, the same goes with Halloween Candy. When choosing the type of candy, you want to pick the kind you do not like, so you are not likely to indulge.

Go Trick or Treating

If you feel like you will be tempted to eat candy when staying at home then go out with the kids trick or treating.  It will allow you to get some steps in and burn some calories.

Don't Sit Still

If you must stay home to hand out candy keep moving. Don't sit on the front porch and wait for trick or treaters. Stay away from the door and force yourself to walk from the back of the house every time the doorbell rings. Or put on a work out DVD to do in between visitors.

Indulge Smart

Even the most disciplined person can be tempted to indulge on Halloween. The trick is to just eat a little, so you feel satisfied without overdoing it.  Pick out your favorite candy and just have a bite or two to fulfill the craving.

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With a background in sports and nutrition, Nick co-founded ThinWorks in 2011 with a mission to help as many people as possible lose weight and improve all aspects of their health. Nick is passionate about health and fitness, practicing what he preaches daily via healthy eating and staying very active himself.

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