Tips for Eating Healthy on a Cruise

Tips for Eating Healthy on a Cruise
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Eating healthy on a cruise can be done, but requires some planning beforehand. It's possible to consume thousands of calories on a daily basis with the myriad of round-the-clock options. But they also make sure that there are choices to satisfy even the healthiest of eaters. So, while you should feel free to indulge, healthy choices on a cruise are more available than you may think. Try putting into place the following healthy eating tips before departing your next port of call.

Consume a Good Breakfast

It is especially easy to eat a healthy breakfast every day, considering they offer free room service. Opt for a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon (turkey bacon if offered), and fresh fruit. Getting off to a good start will likely satiate you enough until lunchtime and you will be more successful at controlling any cravings while you are exploring the ship.

Buffet Management

Stick with the main dining room for meals. But if you insist on tackling the buffet, there are ways to survive. Try walking around the buffet to see your choices before you make a decision about what to eat. This will help to avoid impulse choices and give you the opportunity to create a nutritionally balanced plate instead. To manage how much you eat, you could always just order food from a menu or take a smaller portion from the buffet. Remember, you can always get more if you are still hungry.

Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to ask your server how your meal is prepared, or if you can get a dish prepared in a healthier way. You can ask for half-portions (or appetizer-sized portions) of starters, main courses, and desserts. Ask to substitute a vegetable in place of French fries, potatoes, or other starchy carbohydrates. Remove the toppings, skip the sauces and dressings, or ask for them on the side to keep your calories in check. If you overindulge at one meal, don't beat yourself up over it; just eat lightly at the next meal. And, if exercise is part of your lifestyle, hit the onboard fitness facilities, so you feel better about those indulgences.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

You may wish to have one of those mixed cocktails with the fresh fruit attached to the umbrella, or a nice glass of Chianti with dinner. There is nothing wrong with having a good time while on vacation, just don't do it at the expense of your dietary foundation: healthy eating and adequate hydration. Be sure to consume 8-10 glasses of water daily, and keep a healthy snack handy, as you may find it harder to make good food choices.

Desserts Can Be an Option

There's always the option to share dessert with your travel companion(s). This gives you the opportunity to taste the dessert without overindulging. And, if you have already consumed a balanced meal, you may not have such an intense craving for sweets to begin with. Another option is to substitute fresh berries, or other fruit in place of that rich, high-calorie dessert. Cruises have a reputation for ruining a diet like no other vacation can. Take these healthy eating tips and apply them daily while on your trip and you will have the tools necessary to debunk that reputation. Go on your cruise and have fun! Nothing is stopping you now.

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About the Author.
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Since joining the ThinWorks team in 2016, Katherine has helped countless people reach their weight loss and wellness goals. She is not only a weight loss coach, but also a Certified Medical Assistant since 2008, making her a pro at all things medical here at ThinWorks. She has an upbeat and enthusiastic attitude and excels at making clients feel better, whether it’s discussing bioidentical hormones, body contouring with EmSculpt NEO, or coaching clients to a healthier lifestyle. She is a mother of three and can bake like no one else – only healthy things of course!‍

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