Did you know there may possibly be a connection between vitamin B12 and weight gain? Vitamin B12, less commonly known as Cobalamin, is water-soluble and plays an important role in the normal functioning of your nervous system and brain. Also, it is connected to energy production, DNA synthesis, and the formation of blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency is characterized by low energy levels, nervous system disorder, and anemia. Thankfully, most deficiencies of vitamin B12 in Palm Beach Gardens can be easily fixed by taking a daily supplement or monthly injection.We get a lot of questions about whether there is a connection between B12 deficiency and weight gain. Therefore, this article will explain why you may also gain weight or experience everyday irregularities when you have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

What Is It About Vitamin B12?
Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency
A lack of vitamin B12 slows the cell division in your body. Therefore, your red blood cells have a higher chance of becoming inflamed and damaged. Are you starting to think you may be deficient? Here are some helpful symptoms to look for:
- Chronic Fatigue deficiency in vitamin B12 in Palm Beach Gardens can result in a persistent feeling of tiredness and exhaustion
- Forgetfulness vitamin B12 plays an important role in the successful functioning of your nervous system and brain. Therefore, a lack of it can cause you to start misplacing those dang car keys!
- Slow Breathing when vitamin B12 is not being absorbed by your body, your breathing may start to slow.
- Hallucinations & Psychosis this is a severe symptom that occurs because of a lack of vitamin B12. Your mental state will become weak and severe cases may experience hallucinations.
Weight Gain
There are few studies or evidence that show vitamin B12 leading to either weight gain or loss. However, low vitamin B12 is often associated with obesity. Furthermore, symptoms like chronic fatigue and slow breathing can affect your active lifestyle and lead to accelerated weight gain.

Contact ThinWorks About B12 in Palm Beach Gardens Today!
If you think you may have a vitamin B12 deficiency and want to know more, get in touch with ThinWorks. We are eagerly waiting to teach you all they can about staying in a healthy weight class and growing into a more complete you! Schedule your appointment today for Vitamin B12 Injection in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida to address your deficiency and support your health goals.